mercredi 8 septembre 2010
fce cac 40
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Beige book
Beige book
Communément appelé le Livre Beige, ce rapport est publié huit fois par an. Chaque Réserve fédérale réunit la Banque des informations sur les conditions économiques actuelles dans son district par le biais des rapports de la Banque et les directeurs Direction générale et des entrevues avec des contacts d'affaires clés, des économistes, des experts du marché, et d'autres sources. Le Livre Beige résume cette information par district et par secteur.
Une synthèse globale des douze rapports de district est préparé à tour de rôle par un membre désigné de la Banque de la Réserve fédérale.
Etats-Unis : Publication du Livre Beige de la Fed - 20h00
Commonly known as the Beige Book, this report is published eight times per year. Each Federal Reserve Bank gathers anecdotal information on current economic conditions in its District through reports from Bank and Branch directors and interviews with key business contacts, economists, market experts, and other sources. The Beige Book summarizes this information by District and sector. An overall summary of the twelve district reports is prepared by a designated Federal Reserve Bank on a rotating basisLes plans de trading sont disponibles à
plan 387 fce cac stop modifié lire svp
Plan 387 fce cac 40 diponible. avalaible
New Plan from Amazing Trades for 2010-09-08
This is the automated New Plan Alert System from Amazing
There is a new plan available for 2010-09-08
Market: euro dollar
The Gain/Risk factor is: 7.5
The plan price is 1 credit(s).
Your Credit Balance is 10 credits.
To purchase this plan please visit
Thank you.
New Plan from Amazing Trades for 2010-09-08
This is the automated New Plan Alert System from Amazing
There is a new plan available for 2010-09-08
Market: fce cac
The Gain/Risk factor is: 4.8
The plan price is 1 credit(s).
Your Credit Balance is 10 credits.
To purchase this plan please visit
Thank you.
plan 385 et 386 annulés. Cancelled
plan 385 fce cac lire la modification svp
New Plan from Amazing Trades for 2010-09-08
This is the automated New Plan Alert System from Amazing
There is a new plan available for 2010-09-08
Market: mini sp 500
The Gain/Risk factor is: 4
The plan price is 1 credit(s).
Your Credit Balance is 10 credits.
To purchase this plan please visit
Thank you.
New Plan from Amazing Trades for 2010-09-08
This is the automated New Plan Alert System from Amazing
There is a new plan available for 2010-09-08
Market: fce cac
The Gain/Risk factor is: 8
The plan price is 1 credit(s).
Your Credit Balance is 10 credits.
To purchase this plan please visit
Thank you.